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Couch to 5K with Bigwave

Exercise can be a daunting task, and knowing where to start in the fitness world can be intimidating. Get Active Exeter are challenging sedentary workforces to get physically active with a Couch to 5K challenge. The programme is funded by Sport England and is aimed at beginners wanting to get active. The course combines walking and running over 12 weeks, increasing the period of running each time. The course should increase the groups endurance in a fun, supportive atmosphere with some friendly competitive elements.

With the success of this campaign, we thought that we’d start our very own ‘Run Club’. Bigwave Graphic Designer Erika, who volunteered at the Rugby World Cup, has taken on the responsibility of run leader. She recently qualified to be ‘leader in running fitness’, which is funded by Run England, so is the perfect candidate to lead the club. Run Club meets at the Bigwave office every Tuesday, and sets off along the river for a picturesque (and flat!) group run.

Maintaining fitness within an office where most individuals are deskbound and inactive can be difficult, however Run Club is an excellent way to get active after work- starting at 5:30 and finishing at 6:30. Erika’s motivational techniques help the team work together, she also provides the club with hints and tips about stretching after the run.

The NHS provides weekly Couch to 5K podcasts, tips and tricks around exercise, a free app as well as runner’s stories and achievements from across the UK. Here at Bigwave we also have the Nike Running app where we can track against each other’s progress, it also creates friendly competition between colleagues. There are two groups: the improvers and the beginners. The improvers group is for people who are seasoned runners but like to run with other people. The beginners group is for people who want to get moving but don’t want to do it alone. At the end of the 12-week period, the runners will complete a 5K run- the destination is still to be decided but stay tuned to our Twitter or Facebook to find out.

Run Club takes place every Tuesday at 5:30pm from Bigwave media. Stay in touch with our progress via Facebook or Twitter.