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Bigwave Media attend UK Active Summit 2013

Last week, our very own Tom Gozna, Director of Bigwave Media and Debbi Moore, Business Development Manager, attended this year’s sold out ukactive Summit. The event brought together over 400 key stakeholders including Government officials, local authorities and leisure centres in a bid to tackle inactivity and encourage Britain to get moving.

1 in 4 people in Britain are now deemed ‘physically inactive’ as they are failing to raise their heart rate for more than 30 consecutive minutes within a 28 day period. This high risk concern inevitably contributes to the increasing levels of obesity, as well as the vast medical costs that are associated with treating health problems.

In Fred Turok’s speech, Chairman of ukactive, he called for a national ambition to turn the tide of inactivity by getting Britain moving, highlighting that a 1% reduction in inactivity rates for five years would save £1.2bn.

As a marketing agency, Bigwave Media are fully aware of the difficulties of maintaining a healthy lifestyle when the nature of your work permits you to sit at a desk for the majority of the day. However, we are taking that 1% difference on board and making a change?to add to the joys of Monday morning, we were confronted with a standing meeting! Cue shocked faces and thoughts of terror for standing for the next 15 minutes. (Yes, there were also lots of jokes about next week’s Monday morning meeting taking place on a jog around the block).

However, in favour of the change or not, ukactive’s promotion of getting Britain moving is the future, so what are you doing to increase your activity?

The support ukactive is receiving – alongside its drive for making sure physical activity becomes normality for the country, will predictably result in a shift in the way businesses market to the inactive population. If you would like the opportunity to create an active awareness campaign this winter, please take a look at our exciting, new promotion package. We have also recently updated our PR online fact sheets, with insightful and revealing information about the effects of exercise on health and well being. As marketing specialists in the Leisure & Fitness industry, these can be a very useful advertising material when embarking on an active promotion. Please get in contact with us on 0845 643 2385 for more information about this service.

Please find ukactive Summit 2013 gallery here.