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The Power of Team Building

With this year’s Exeter Business Games (Bigwave’s answer to the Olympics) now over until next year, we’re taking the opportunity to reflect on the value of corporate team building. We all know how important it is to keep clients and customers satisfied, but it’s not uncommon for the heart of an organisation – its employees – to sometimes be overlooked.

So what is it that makes team building so much more than just a chance to escape the office? Here’s our take:

1. A chance to socialise

Busy schedules and set workplace layouts can often mean some workmates rarely cross paths with one another. By getting involved in a team building event as a company, these barriers are broken and Jim from Accounts can get to know Sarah from the Finance department on a level playing field (perhaps literally).

2. Boost moral

The clue’s in the name – partaking in “team” building activities will enhance your “team” spirit. It is a well-documented fact that feeling part of a group leads to increased motivation and performance. Team building events can provide the perfect opportunity to show mutual respect and support for one another, which will work wonders on individual confidence and collective performance.

3. Networking

Like Exeter Business Games, many team building events provide the chance to mix with other organisations. Raising your brand profile, forming relationships with like-minded businesses and even the possibility of creating new leads can be part of the team building experience. And, of course – a dose of healthy competition can heighten natural cohesion amongst your own team members.

4. FUN

Nothing releases endorphins like a good old competitive event. The buzz that comes with taking part in physically and mentally stimulating activities allows employees to kick back, learn new skills and break up the (sometimes inevitable) monotony of a 9-5 day in the office. With new experiences come new ideas and thought processes. Changing dynamics at a team building event could provide that light bulb moment for improving performance and increasing productivity once you’re back at work.

Walking the walk…

As well as running Exeter Business Games, here at Bigwave media we love getting involved in team activities ourselves. Our latest events have included the gruelling 10K RockSolid race and the Michelmores 5K Charity run to name a couple.

They don’t all have to be physical; “thinking outside the box” was the main aim at our first Bigwave Hack event, where we took time out to get our creative juices flowing in unfamiliar territory, by coming up with innovative business ideas designed to disrupt existing markets.

Since our new Ping! Exeter ping pong table arrived from Active Devon, we’ve been making full use of our lunchtimes by having an office tournament! And now that the Great British weather has eased off for a few months at least, we’re looking forward to our annual Bigwave Summer BBQ. We’ve even rounded up a Bigwave rounders team (excuse the pun), making the most of the evening sun every Thursday by joining Exeter’s mixed social league, organised by Active Devon as part of the Workplace Challenge.

Sounds like fun? Join our team – we’re currently recruiting!

You can register your interest in Exeter Business Games by completing the contact form for the 2016 Games. Not based in Exeter? Watch this space – UK Business Games is coming to a city near you, soon!