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The Big Topic: Analytics

Analytics are a highly important aspect for businesses nowadays, especially in most recent years as technology has improved and become more accessible. Over the past couple of months, we have investigated analytics in its many forms and how it is a clear component for business success.

Did you miss our blogs last quarter?

Here is a wrap-up of our Analytics series in one simple, easy-to-read blog post.

Need to Know: The 5 W’s of Analytics

In this blog, we discussed the 5 W’s of Analytics in terms of what are analytics, who uses analytics nowadays, when to use analytics in marketing, where do I find analytics and why analytics are important for businesses, as well as how analytics can help businesses to grow.

Analytics have technically been around for centuries, since in 1785, William Playfair invented the bar chart and in 1812, mapmaker Charles Joseph Minard determined the representation of the thickness of lines on a chart to explain moments of the Napoleon army.

Data has changed significantly from the way in which it has been presented. Analytics play such an important role in the world of technology today, in which it will always be improved upon in the future for the benefit of online businesses.

Read the full blog here. 

An Introduction to Google Analytics 4

Google Analytics has now been improved to the new Google Analytics 4 which will also replace the standard Universal Analytics from the 1st of July 2023. To put you out of your worry, any existing properties can be upgraded to the new GA4 and no accounts will be affected.

It was clear that this was going to happen due to the evolution of the digital world. Being the leading search engine of the Internet, Google is confident with their predictions for analytics in the future and how their users will have much more accessibility to their own businesses data. Additionally, as it is a new initiative people will need to learn and understand the number of changes that have been created.

For more information, read the full blog here.

A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media Analytics

There are over 3.8 billion social media users in the world, so it is evident for businesses that the power and impact social media has on potential customers can create great success for these businesses. Social media users are the best audience to promote your business to for many reasons such as creating strong relationships and communities, for communication purposes and for a quicker turn over of marketing and selling.

It is vital for businesses to understand how social media works as well as being able to read their own analytics pages. Social media analytics can be very insightful as they allow businesses to gain knowledge around what type of posts and what platforms are more effective to them and their audience, so that they can gain a better understanding of their fundamentals to online growth.

You can read more about this blog here. 

Bigwave Launch a Simple to Use and Privacy-Friendly Analytics System, SiteFlo

Bigwave has created a simple, yet privacy-friendly analytics system named SiteFlo, which resolves a lot of solutions that website users would find beneficial. A software that is hosted here in the UK, it will provide highly significant value to our clients as they will be provided with access to view their online performance.

We are extremely happy to inform our clients and readers of this new analytical system, as we think it is highly important to create great accessibility for all levels of knowledge surrounding analytics. We think this feature will resolve many solutions as well as being highly effective.

Check out the full blog for further information here. 

Audience Analysis: Understanding Your Audience Through Data

In this blog, we discuss the fundamentals of audience analysis within a business and teach you how to read and understand data, as it is the most important aspect of a successful business.

Data can help you to gain a better understanding of who your audience are, what they are interested in and how as a marketer, you can grab their attention.

To read the full blog, click here. 

The Ultimate Guide to Analytics 2022

Analytics is the process of turning data into insights, which for the business world, it has become an essential component to making decisions about your business and customers. In this guide, we delve into the ins and outs of analytics so that we can help you to gain a better insight for your business’s growth. This blog will educate you to understand and apply the success of analysis of data, as it will take you time and it also requires forward-thinking based decisions so that your business can drive value. Whether you are getting started with the basics or wanting to develop your skills further, this blog will give you all the right information.

Click here to read more about this blog.

Everything You Need to Know About Website Analytics

With all online businesses having a website, it is important to be able to read and understand what your website tells you through analytics. In this blog we spoke about the importance of website analytics, the different types of analytics, what you can do for your business to ensure best practice is being maintained, and the different analytics tools online.

Using website analytics can help to improve your website and your customer’s experience which we would consider are the two most important components for business growth.

You can read the full blog here.

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