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How to use Twitter Events to Engage

With events becoming worldwide trends and social media being the new way to find out breaking news, it’s no wonder why twitter have introduced Event Targeting into their Twitter ads. Much like TV targeting, events targeting allows businesses to advertise their products/services based on any event. As Twitter is a go-to for users to voice their opinion on certain events and trends, this new type of advertising enables businesses to interact with customers on a relevant subject matter that they are interested in. Event Targeting has three main sections, Event Calendar, Event Insights and Event Activation;

Event Calendar


The new event calendar includes all the up and coming events all across the world for the next couple of months. These are spilt into sections such as Sports, Entertainment, Holidays etc., from the list of events, businesses can plan which events they can tailor to their business to advertise.

The calendar can be segmented into location, by further targeting your audience, there will be a lower possibility that someone in America will engage with your UK business. If Twitter didn’t include this further targeting then this new feature could cost your business money as it is very unlikely that someone in America is going to come to the UK for a round of golf! Use more regional location targeting and you are going to get the best reach for your pound.

Event Insights


Event Insights include statistics from the previous year’s events, which means that businesses can compare the characteristics of the people who tweeted about the event. This includes the total reach of the event, the device breakdown and the tweets that gained most engagement. By basing your targeting to last year’s event statistics, it’s more than likely that your tweets will gain more engagement than usual.

However, as it is new, Twitter won’t be able to supply the statistics from all of last year’s events. Nevertheless, as this analytics becomes more developed, businesses will be able to target based on last year’s results. This would be useful as the businesses could look at the statistics such as The PGA Championship 2014 which 63% of engagement was made by male. Businesses could target this by targeting males for a golf or sport promotion.

Event Activation


The final step in creating the new campaign is to set up who you’re going to target, businesses can target people for more followers, tweet engagement, leads on twitter, website clicks and app installs. Twitter have also made it possible to target users via location, this includes postcodes, regions and countries. This way you are targeting exactly who you want to target without an excess amount of people that are not interested in your product/service. Businesses can also target people who follow certain people, for example, a Golf Club based in Exeter can target people in Exeter, who follow Rory Mcllroy and Justin Rose that are tweeting about the PGA Championship. Another segment is interests and behaviours, the business can target people based on their behaviours on twitter. Going back to the example about an Exeter Golf Club, they can target sportsmen or people that behaviours show a healthy and fit lifestyle. Twitter can also target demographics and occupations of Twitter users such as people in education, employment, retired, business travellers etc.


With Event targeting only being published over the last few months, there has been an incredible success around the targeting. For example Mindshare UK used the Wimbledon 2015 event for their clients and found that engagement increased from 73% to 110% when compared to traditional targeting settings. With this success, and a low cost per engagement, there’s no reason not to try Event Targeting.

Here at Bigwave we are excited to see what Event Targeting can bring to your business. To discuss campaign ideas that we can help you develop, please contact us on 0845 643 2385 or complete our contact form.