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A humble egg is now the most liked photo on Instagram

At a time when the world can often feel divided, there’s nothing quite like people coming together to achieve a communal goal. Yesterday, while most of us were lazing about the house, wrestling with the emotions that the looming presence of Monday morning often brings, there was one little guy who had his eyes on the prize and at some point last night, with the help of millions of Instagram users (18m to be specific), a humble egg set the world record for the most liked photo on Instagram.

Don’t get it scrambled though, this wasn’t a case of whisking away the prize over a matter of hours. Egg Gang have soldiered on for 10 days to poach the coveted record. The picture (posted on the 4th of January) now has over 25 million likes and the account (@world_record_egg) has amassed over 2 million followers! Quite how they cracked the Instagram formula for success is a mystery but if they’ve done it through engagement and outreach, it’s safe to say they must be eggs-hausted.

The previous record holder, Kylie Jenner has already spoken out in an egg-ressive post on her own Instagram but with her social clout, I imagine Egg Gang will be too chicken to respond.

What the success means for the creators of the Instagram account remains to be seen. While I doubt it will get them laid, it could certainly position them as an influencer and if they work as hard on their next project, they may even beat their own record by Easter.

Anyway, enough yolking around, my brain simply cannot produce any more puns; I’m fried.