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5 Tips to Keep your Social Media Content Concise and Compelling

Keeping your social media content concise and compelling is one of the key elements to a successful online presence. Not only has this proven to increase engagement, but it also gives the opportunity for hyperlinks to be set which means more traffic towards your website. Here at Bigwave we have supplied some tips on how to keep your social media content concise and compelling:

Establish a tone

Establishing the tone of your business and retaining it through every social media platform is a necessary step for any business with an online presence. Changing tone could often lead to confusion about the brand image. Remember: no matter what you post, everything will directly reflect your brand- so be careful! Try not to mix up your tone too much. For example, if your business is using a formal tone on Facebook but purposely making grammatical errors to save space on Twitter, this would keep content concise – however it would not be consistent with the brand that you are trying to convey.

News articles

News articles are an excellent way to provide your audience with current content which is not only relevant to them, but also to the services that your business provide. By publishing news articles, it will allow your audience to continuously keep in contact with you. Publishing the recent trends within your business sector also keeps you and your audience up to date. News articles can be kept concise as you only need the main title with a link to the relevant page. Therefore these posts are suited to Twitter as they should fall below 140 characters. However, make sure that you do not link subscription only articles as these may not be accessible to your entire audience.

Call to action

Like us here at Bigwave, you may struggle to compress what you have to say into 140 characters – but don’t give up! If you are struggling for words, the tip is not to give too much detail out in each post. Simply entice people to click on the link provided – this is a great way to drive traffic to your website. Shorter tweets have been proven to generate 17% more engagement, so why wouldn’t you make your tweet short and sweet?


A photo can say a thousand words, especially on social media. In fact, using photos on social media generates twice as much engagement than posts with no photos. This is a revolutionary way to communicate with your audience in 140 characters and even on Facebook. Using a photo not only catches the user’s eye, but it also takes up more space on a timeline, which means that your audience are more likely to stop scrolling and look at your post.

Lose pronouns

The golden tip for providing concise social media content is to have conviction. Often, the word limit simply isn’t large enough for the use of pronouns (i.e. I, me, he, she, you it, that, they, who, etc) in every post. Think newspaper headline style – this will particularly come in handy when using Twitter with the dreaded 140 character count.

Following these tips should help you to keep your social media content concise and compelling. Bigwave media offer a range of social media services from training and content management to campaigns. To find out more, please get in touch or tweet us @bigwavemedia.