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A deeper understanding through client feedback

Collect valuable insights straight from the people that matter – your customers and prospects.

At Bigwave we use surveys as a tool to directly collect feedback from your target audience to understand their needs, expectations and motivations, and also find out how they feel about your products and services.

Knowledge is power.

Knowing your customer and the environment your business is operating in is critical, especially as competition increases for many businesses. Identifying your ideal customer and their buying habits can provide many great benefits such as:


Customers being retained, and new ones gained

Using market research helps provide a better perspective and knowledge of the target market so that you can enhance your products and services to suit their requirements.


Create targeted communications strategies

Knowing your customers’ requirements means you can deliver offers and information of products and services that will directly spark their interest and desires.


Build your sense of confidence

Becoming well-informed about what customer want can help alleviate the degree of risk involved in making important business decisions.


Assist in staying ahead of the competition

Knowing how to leverage the findings you extract from market research and combining it with an innovative new idea will help you get of the game and stay ahead.


Improve existing products and services

Analysing customer satisfaction levels along with data about their perception of the market can help better meet your current and future customers’ expectations.


Concept testing

Ahead of launching a new product or service offering, assess its effectiveness in the market will greatly increase the odds of turning it into a profitable asset.

How will we conduct a market research survey?

Surveys can be conducted digitally or in person as a questionnaire or interview, using qualitative or quantitative methods.

Examples of how surveys can be carried out:

  • On-site: Face to face with existing customers
  • Off-site: Face to face targeting non-users
  • Remotely: Via email, phone, direct mail or social media