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The importance of keeping up with browser technology (and how it’s actually really easy)

Occasionally you’ll find someone who uses Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) as their standard web browser. The most recent version, however, is IE11 – making IE8 now 6 years old. To put that into perspective, IE8 was pre-smartphones!

In an industry that moves as fast as web and IT technology, 6 years is a long time but some people are still using IE8 to do their important business and work. IE8 is in fact being decommissioned by Microsoft and support is being suspended as of January 2016. All too often people leave the web aspect of their businesses in the shadows – the equivalent of writing emails on a type writer and sending them in the post – yet this web software is easily available, for free!

So, why is this the case when most of us work in a modern office, have a smart phone in our pocket and a SatNav in the car? Often the answer is either that the IT team are unable to update every computer in the building or the end user simply doesn’t hit the upgrade button. As of January 2015, 85.3% of online browsers are using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox – both are excellent applications which we use here at Bigwave as primary browsers in our digital department.

Failing to keep up with technology is failing to fully utilise the best aspects of the web to reach the market. If your website is not kept up to date and fresh it can soon appear dated to potential customers. Our most recent Bigwave web designs incorporate the latest techniques; From side scrolling sites to parallax pages and even monthly subscription portals. We forward plan when we design and market sites, but sites don’t need to be and shouldn’t be complicated for users. Most Bigwave websites come with a straightforward Content Management System (CMS) for website managers, giving them the tools to update and refresh a site’s content.

From web design and build to social media content creation and email marketing, we can provide a wide range of digital marketing solutions that can put your business at the forefront of the online marketplace.

To find out more about how we can improve your online presence, get in touch or tweet us @bigwavemedia.