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What should you dress up as for Halloween based on your marketing persona?


Our Content Manager, Amelia Hall, is a self-professed theatre nerd, bookworm, and dog lover. When she’s not in the office, you can find her treading the boards in Exeter as part of a local light opera group. Or gravitating towards the nearest dog.

Us marketers are a creative bunch. No matter what marketing channel we’re in, we love being able to flex our artistic muscles.

There’s no better time to do this than at Halloween, a time when you can really let your imagination run wild.

But if you’ve left your costume planning a bit late (me too), then we know what you should go as for Halloween based on your marketing persona.

Interested? Let’s get started.



Still not convinced? Here’s the full list of results:

The SEO Whizz

Nobody really knows HOW you get the awesome SERP results, but you always seem to!

You definitely know your stuff when it comes to improving your clients’ rankings but like a ninja in the night, nobody ever sees you doing it.

Your perfect Halloween costume is the SEO ninja. Think all black, ski mask, maybe some keywords taped to your costume. Maybe forget the throwing stars, though.

The anxious SEO

You’re constantly on edge whilst you anticipate Google’s next algorithm update. What will they penalise this time?!

We think you should face your fears by going as the very thing you dread the most: a Google update.

The PPC pro

If it’s paid media, you’re all over it. You know exactly how to maximise conversions while minimising CPC, no sweat. You’re kind of a nerd, but we all envy your knowledge.

Your ideal Halloween costume is Stranger Bings. You dress like Eleven from Stranger Things, but with a lovely big Bing logo on your dress. You’re not mainstream, after all.

The tortured writer

You’ve honed your craft. You’ve read every copywriting blog post published in the last 3 years. You want to write a novel one day.

You’re a writer, but some people don’t even notice your work.

Your perfect Halloween costume is the Ghostwriter. This one’s easy (meaning you can spend more time finishing that blog off that you’ve been working on.) Simply drape yourself in a bedsheet, cut out some eye holes, and carry around a notebook. Splatter yourself in ink for extra credit.

The sensationalist

“Someone Challenged This Girl to Gain 20,000 Followers In One Day – And She Did It!” is a headline that you would click on. You love salacious gossip and interesting articles.

You’re always angling for the next bit of news, so your Halloween costume is Clickbait. This is a perfect time for you to combine your love of Buzzfeed with your love for fishing (no? ok.)

The emailer

You’re just really, really tired of being marked as spam. No matter how great your emails are, nobody seems to want to read them.

We suggest leaning into it and going as SPAM for Halloween. If you can’t beat ’em…

The web designer

One word: Spiderman.

The old school grump

You’ve been around the block a few times. You know what works and what doesn’t. And there’s no changing your mind.

Sometimes, people would benefit from listening to your wisdom.

You’re probably not that into Halloween, though, so simply get a white tee and write Error 404 Costume Not Found on it in black marker. Funny, old skool, and low maintenance. Bingo.

The keen content writer

You have content calendars for the next 5 years. You write about 7 pieces of content a day. You post to several different outlets in order to get maximum engagement. You’re making the rest of us look bad, stop it.

For Halloween this year, you should be an Octopus. How else do you do so many things at once?

The social media savant

You’ve got social media CRACKED. You’re on top of the latest trends, memes, and news, and you know exactly how to bring people to your profile and get dem likez.

This Halloween, go as something truly terrifying: dead phone battery and low wifi coverage. *scream*