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How video marketing can benefit your business

Videos are one of the most compelling strategies in online marketing. It is proven that short video clips can help your business to grow online. But why are people so attracted to videos and what is it that makes videos such a successful marketing strategy?

First, we need to consider:

Types of video

There are various types of video to use for video marketing. To give you an overview, here is a short list:

  • Product description and demonstration
  • Testimonial videos
  • Video interviews
  • Tutorial videos
  • Live streams

Each video type can be used to advertise and promote your product or business.

Who is using video marketing?

There is no restriction for businesses to do video marketing. You probably have noticed videos in the industry of online shopping or technology advertisement. But to clarify, every business that sells products or services can use video marketing as a strategy. Tutorials or demonstration of products have shown to be extremely effective. A recent study has shown that viewers are 85% more likely to purchase a product after viewing a product video.

What is video marketing useful for?

Video marketing is a long trending marketing technique. In 2018, according to Cisco 79% of internet traffic is video content, with a rising trend. Here are some reasons why it is useful for your business to employ video marketing as a marketing strategy:

  • Videos create trust. Animoto published a social forecast in which 76.5% of marketers and small business owner that put out video content said that it had a direct impact on their business.
  • According to HubSpot, 51.9% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best return on investment (ROI).
  • Your SEO ranking will be better. A statistic from Moovy suggests that you are 53 times more likely to show up first on Google if you have a video embedded on your website.

How do I create a video?

It always depends on what content you are aiming to create. But here are some general tips to create a killer video:

  • Explain what is presented, what you are doing and educate your viewers
  • Add value – Find a reason for people to want to share your video (e. g. special offers)
  • Tell a story – Don’t make a boring video! – keep it short, simple and coherent
  • Publish it on several platforms – Remember to make the video mobile friendly!

This is just the beginning. It is time to start making use of video marketing, so you can compete with your competitors.

If you feel like you need help creating a killer video or building a proper branding strategy, feel free to contact our team at Bigwave Media.