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Facebook nears the two billion milestone

Facebook’s first-quarter report for 2017 has been published, revealing a pleasant surprise for marketers across the globe – the social network is close to having two billion users. That’s a whopping 27% of the world’s population!

After taking eight years to reach the one billion mark, it took Facebook a mere five years to nearly double this figure, with the number of daily users now at 1.28 billion people.

“We had a good start to 2017,” said CEO Mark Zuckerburg in a statement. “We’re continuing to build tools to support a strong global community.”

New features on the way

After a tumultuous couple of months which saw Facebook face harsh criticism over violent content published on its live video feature, it looks like the company are on the road to recovery.

The social medium has launched a myriad of exciting new features during the last few months including a TV app to stream videos and a job listing feature for businesses.

Facebook has also joined the ranks of Snapchat and self-owned social platform Instagram in allowing users to post stories documenting their daily activities.

Get connected with your costumer

Facebook remains one of the most efficient channels for businesses to grow their audience – why? Because everyone’s on it of course!

Content is easier and faster to share and thanks to the two-way-channel communication a company can build up a relationship with its customers – especially with Facebook’s large blend of demographics.

Find out more on how Bigwave media can boost your social presence here.