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5 ways to customise your Facebook page

As most businesses are fully aware, having just a website is no longer a strong enough web presence. Participating in social networks, including Facebook, is a valuable way to connect with prospects and customers and share important content. However many companies find it difficult to stand out from competitors and achieve their desired unique manifestation. This issue is exacerbated when Facebook restrictions and design limitations make it difficult to easily, and freely, customise your business page. We think the following 5 tips can individually brand your Facebook business page:

1. Claim your vanity URL

Ensure your Facebook URL is recognisable to make it more identifiable and easier to share with other. In most cases, your business name is the most simple and effective solution. Alter your username at

2. Get creative with your images

Visual stimuli tends to attract more visitor attention, so if used effectively, it can be a perfect way of providing more information about your company. A well-presented image will scream professionalism, showcase your brand, generate interest in your page and impress your fans.

3. Create custom tabs

Take full advantage of your tabs (Views & Apps) to effectively accommodate all your Facebook contests under one roof. Eye-catching thumbnail pictures, names and content such as events and customer stories provide a richer user experience. Traffic to various business links including websites, apps, blogs and other social media networks can be encouraged, delivering better results.

4. Schedule posts

Scheduling posts for delivery allows you to be in control of your content despite being away from your computer. The time period most convenient for you to use Facebook may not coincide with the peak time period your target market will be online; therefore the post scheduler provides the opportunity to efficiently engage with audiences.

5. Target your posts

If you have some Facebook posts that may not be relevant to your entire networking audience, you can customise your viewing settings to segment posts. Using this feature to limit posts to fans in a certain location or language can lead to increased engagement and better results.

Bigwave Media can help with Facebook, and other social media marketing. Please contact [email protected] for more information.